Audited Accounts
Bradley Stoke Town Council's internally and externally audited & pre-audited reports & documentation from the past 17 years are available to view in full. Use the links below to skip to a particular financial year:
2023/24 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2023/24 Internal Audit
2023/24 Annual External Audit
Public Notices
- Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return (Word)
- A Guide to your Rights- National Audit Office (PDF)
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2022/23 and 2023/24 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
Council's Response to the 2023/24 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2023/24 audit by BDO LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a clean bill of health for the fifteenth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues raised. 2 very minor matters for consideration were raised under Other Matters – not affecting the auditor's opinion which covered the completion of box 11a within Section 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) and a recommendation that when minuting the appointment of the internal auditor, the council record they have considered the independence of the appointed auditor on an annual basis.
Council continues to be as transparent as possible and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money, protect and even expand services where possible for the community. Careful budgeting, monitoring and in-depth forward planning is a major part of council's responsibilities, and this audit continues to substantiate that council has maintained the highest governance standards.
2022/23 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2022/23 Internal Audit
2022/23 Annual External Audit
Public Notices
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2021/22 and 2022/23 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
Council's Response to the 2022/23 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2022/23 audit by BDO LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a clean bill of health for the fourteenth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues raised. This year's audit was also clear of any other minor matters highlighted by the auditor for council to consider although a minor matter was raised for the internal auditor following recent changes to the internal control objectives in respect of the publication of required documentation on the council website. This has been clarified for future internal audit reports and the internal auditor confirmed that all required documentation has been clearly published on the council website for a number of years and was checked at the internal mid- year review.
Council continues to be as transparent as possible and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money, protect and even expand services where possible for the community. Careful budgeting, monitoring and in-depth forward planning is a major part of council's responsibilities, and this audit continues to substantiate that council has maintained the highest governance standards.
2021/22 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2021/22 Internal Audit
Public Notices
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2020/21 and 2021/22 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
Council's Response to the 2021/22 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2021/22 audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a clean bill of health for the thirteenth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues.
This year's audit was also clear of any other minor matters highlighted by the auditor for council to consider.
Council always strives to be transparent and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money and even expand services for the community where possible. Careful budgeting, monitoring and in-depth forward planning is a major part of council's responsibilities and this audit continues to substantiate that council has maintained high governance standards through a continued very difficult period.
2020/21 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2020/21 Internal Audit
Public Notices
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
- Asset Register (Excel)
- Cashflow Proof (Excel)
- Journal Report (PDF)
- Trial Balance Report (Nominal Accounts totalled by Working Papers) (PDF)
- Trial Balance Report (Working Papers totalled by Lead Schedules) (PDF)
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2019/20 and 2020/21 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
- Public Notice of Audit conclusion (Word)
- Annual Return - Sections 1 - 3 (PDF)
- 2020-21 – Fully signed Annual Governance and Annual Return (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2020/21 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2020/21 audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a clean bill of health for the twelfth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues. This year's audit has, however, received a minor comment for consideration.
Council always strives to be transparent and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money and even expand services for the community. Careful budgeting, monitoring and forward planning is a major part of council's governance responsibilities and this audit continues to substantiate that council has maintained high standards through a very difficult period.
2019/20 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2019/20 Internal Audit
Public Notices
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
- Asset Register (Excel)
- Earmarked Reserves (Excel)
- Cashflow Proof (Excel)
- Grant Aid Expenditure for FRSSE (Excel)
- Reallocations (Excel)
- Journal Report (PDF)
- Trial Balance Report (Nominal Accounts totalled by Working Papers) (PDF)
- Trial Balance Report (Working Papers totalled by Lead Schedules) (PDF)
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2018/19 and 2019/20 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
- Public Notice of Audit conclusion (Word)
- Annual Return - Sections 1 & 2 (PDF)
- Auditors Sign Off Certificate - Section 3 (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2019/20 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2019/20 audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a completely clean bill of health for the eleventh year running, with no accounting or procedural issues. Yet again, the audit has also been signed off as being completely clear of the usual comments for consideration in respect of minor issues which do not affect the auditor's over all opinion. Council continues to strive to be transparent and to implement and follow robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money and even expand services for the community wherever possible. Careful budgeting, monitoring and especially forward planning is a major part of council's governance and this audit continues to substantiate that council has achieved this.
2018/19 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2018/19 Internal Audit
- Letter of Assurance (Word)
- Appendix 1: Key to our Audit Opinions (PDF)
- Appendix 2: The Control Environment (PDF)
Public Notices
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
- Asset Register (Excel)
- Earmarked Reserves (Excel)
- Budget Summary (Excel)
- Cashflow Proof (Excel)
- Grant Aid Expenditure for FRSSE (Excel)
- Reallocations (Excel)
- Journal Working Papers (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Paper TB1 (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Papers TB2 (PDF)
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2017/18 and 2018/19 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
- Notice of Audit conclusion (Word)
- Annual Return - Sections 1 & 2 (PDF)
- Auditors Sign Off Certificate - Section 3 (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2018/19 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2018/19 audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a completely clean bill of health for the tenth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues. This year's audit has also been signed off as being completely clear of the usual comments for consideration which do not affect the auditor's opinion. Council always strives to be transparent and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money and even expand services for the community. Careful budgeting, monitoring and forward planning is a major part of council's governance and this audit continues to substantiate that council has achieved this.
2017/18 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2017/18 Internal Audit
- Letter of Assurance (Word)
- Appendix 1: Key to our Audit Opinions (PDF)
- Appendix 2: The Control Environment (PDF)
Public Notices
- Date of Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights - Public Notice (Word)
- Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 - A Summary of your Rights (Word)
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
- Asset Register (Excel)
- Budget Summary (Excel)
- Cashflow Proof (Excel)
- Grant Aid Expenditure for FRSSE (Excel)
- Reallocations (Excel)
- Journal Working Papers (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Paper TB1 (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Papers TB2 (PDF)
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2016/17 and 2017/18 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
- Notice of Audit conclusion (Word)
- Annual Return - Sections 1 & 2 (PDF)
- Auditors Sign Off Certificate - Section 3 (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2017/18 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign off of the 2017/18 audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a completely clean bill of health for the ninth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues. This year's audit has also been signed off as being completely clear of the usual comments for consideration which do not affect the auditor's opinion. Council always strives to be transparent and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money and even expand services for the community. Careful budgeting, monitoring and forward planning is a major part of council's governance and this audit continues to substantiate that council has achieved this.
2016/17 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2016/17 Internal Audit
- Letter of Assurance (PDF)
- Action Plan (PDF)
- Appendix 1: Key to our Audit Opinions (PDF)
- Appendix 2: The Control Environment (PDF)
Public Notices
- Declaration of Status of the Published Accounts (PDF)
- Date of Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights - Public Notice (Word)
- Date of Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights - Local Accountability Act 2014 (PDF)
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
- Asset Register (Excel)
- Budget Summary (Excel)
- Cashflow Proof (Excel)
- Grant Aid Expenditure for FRSSE (Excel)
- Reallocations (Excel)
- Journal Working Papers (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Paper TB1 (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Papers TB2 (PDF)
Audit Reports
- Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Earmarked Reserves (PDF)
- Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2015/16 and 2016/17 Figures (PDF)
- Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
- Significant Events Report to Support Assertion 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
Audit Sign Off
Council's Response to the 2016/17 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign-off of the 2016/17 audit by Grant Thornton, the appointed external auditors, who have once again given council a completely clean bill of health for the eighth year running, with no procedural or accounting issues. This year's audit has also been signed off as being completely clear of the usual comments for consideration which do not affect the auditor's opinion. Council always strives to be transparent and to implement robust financial systems and procedures to protect the public funds, ensure value for money and even expand services for the community. Careful budgeting, monitoring and forward planning is a major part of council's governance and this audit continues to substantiate that council has achieved this.
2015/16 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
2015/16 Internal Audit
- Appendix 1: Key to our Audit Opinions (PDF)
- Appendix 2: The Control Environment (PDF)
- Letter of Assurance (PDF)
Public Notices
- Exercise of Electors Rights Public Notice (PDF)
- Declaration of Status of the Published Accounts (PDF)
- Audit Sign Off Public Notice (PDF)
Signed Annual Return
Financial Statement
Financial Statement Working Papers
- Asset Register (Excel)
- Budget Summary (Excel)
- Cashflow Proof (Excel)
- Grant Aid Expenditure for FRSSE (Excel)
- Journal Working Papers (PDF)
- Reallocations (Excel)
- Trial Balance Working Paper TB1 (PDF)
- Trial Balance Working Papers TB2 (PDF)
Audit Reports
- Signed Bank Reconciliation (PDF)
- Signed Earmarked Reserves (PDF)
- Signed Explanation of Significant Variances Between 2014-15 and 2015-16 Figures (PDF)
- Signed Reconciliation Between Boxes 7 and 8 on the Annual Return (PDF)
- Significant Variance Report Supporting Sheet (Excel)
Audit Sign Off
Council's Response to the 2015/16 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign off of the 2015/16 audit by Grant Thornton, the appointed external auditors, who gave council a clean bill of health for the seventh year running with no procedural or accounting issues.
The auditor did comment that the period specified on the notice for the exercise of public rights was for 29 days and not the required 30 day period however this does not affect the auditor's opinion. Council do not consider this comment to have any adverse impact on the audit or to have denied a member of the public of their rights in respect of an objection as The Annual Return and all supporting audit reports were published ahead of this period and remain on the council website for public access which easily exceeds the 30 day period.
Council always strives to run robust financial systems and procedures with careful budgeting, monitoring and forward planning being at its' core and this audit substantiates that council has maintained this high standard which is further substantiated by the fact that the major skate park build was included within the audit.
2014/15 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Internal Audit 2014.15 (PDF) + The Key to The Audit Opinion (PDF) + The Key Control Objectives (PDF)
- Audit notice (electors rights) 2014.15 (Word)
- Summary of electors rights 2014.15 (PDF)
- Annual Return 2014.15 (PDF)
- Financial Statement of Accounts & Asset List 2014.15 (PDF)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2014.15 (PDF)
- Bank Reconciliation 2014.15 (PDF)
- Significant Variances 2014.15 (PDF)
- Sign Off Public Notice 2014.15 (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2014/15 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign off of the 2014/15 audit by Grant Thornton, the appointed external auditors, who gave council a clean bill of health for the sixth year running with no procedural or accounting issues. This year's audit has also been signed off as being completely clear of any items including the usual comments for consideration which do not affect the auditor's opinion. Council always strives to run robust financial systems and procedures with careful budgeting, monitoring and forward planning being at the centre. This audit substantiates that council has achieved these levels in order to protect and even expand services for the community.
2013/14 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Internal Audit 2013.14 (PDF) + The Key to The Audit Opinion (PDF)
- Audit notice (electors rights) 2013.14 (Word)
- Summary of electors rights 2013.14 (PDF)
- Annual Return 2013.14 (PDF)
- Financial Statement of Accounts & Asset List 2013.14 (PDF)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2013.14 (PDF)
- Bank Reconciliation 2013.14 (PDF)
- Variances 2013.14 (PDF)
- Auditors Sign Off 2013.14 (PDF)
- Sign Off Public Notice 2013.14 (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2013/14 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign off of the 2013/14 audit by Grant Thornton, the appointed external auditors, who did not identify any procedural or accounting items for the 5th year running. The only minor comment related to the internal auditor's section (4) of The Annual Return which was completed by South Gloucestershire Council as they failed to complete the final box. Based upon this response, Bradley Stoke Town Council has had an extremely successful audit.
2012/13 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Internal Audit 2012.13 (Word)
- Audit notice (electors rights) 2012.13 (Word)
- Summary of electors rights 2012.13 (PDF)
- Annual Return 2012.13 (PDF)
- Financial Statement of Accounts 2012.13 (PDF)
- Asset list 2012.13 (PDF)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2012.13 (Excel)
- Bank Reconciliation 2012.13 (Excel)
- Variances 2012.13 (Excel)
- Auditors Sign Off 2012.13 (PDF)
- Sign Off Notice 2012.13 (PDF)
Council's Response to the 2012/13 Audit
Council is pleased to announce receipt of the formal sign off of the 2012/13 audit by Grant Thornton, the appointed external auditors, who did not identify any problems with the accounts and procedures for the 4th year running. This year's audit has been signed off as being completely clear of any items including the usual comments for consideration, which do not affect the auditor's opinion. This has been yet another successful audit for Bradley Stoke Town Council.
2011/12 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Internal Audit 2011.12 (Word)
- Audit notice (electors rights) 2011.12 (Word)
- Summary of electors rights 2011.12 (PDF)
- Council Draft Minutes 2012.09.26 (PDF)
- Annual Return 2011.12 (PDF)
- Financial Statement 2011.12 (PDF)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2011.12 (PDF)
- Bank Reconciliation 2011.12 (PDF)
- Variances 2011.12 (PDF)
- Audit sign off and auditors comments 2011.12 (PDF)
- Audit sign off public notice 2011.12 (Word)
Council's Response to the 2011/12 Audit
Council is pleased to announce receipt of the formal sign off of the 2011/12 audit by Mazars, the appointed external auditors, who did not identify any problems with the accounts and procedures for the 3rd year running.
The sign-off included 2 comments for consideration, which did not change the auditor's opinion in respect of the clean audit. These comments related to the amount of documentation which was sent with the audit papers
as Rachel Pullen (RFO) again took the position that unusual audit items, such as the office build, should be substantiated by documentation to avoid the need to lodge later paperwork which could invoke additional audit
charges. The other comment concerned the treatment of The Public Works Loan within the Annual Return which The RFO had initially treated as deferred income pending completion of the office building. The auditors
accepted the rules regarding loan receipts may be open to interpretation and therefore had to take advice and make a final decision which resulted in a non chargeable amendment to the 2011/12 Annual Return. As
a result of initial arguments put forward by The RFO, the auditors agreed that this area needs clarification within the procedures and will take this matter forward to the Joint Practitioners Group for consideration before
future procedures are published. Based upon the auditor's sign-off , it is clear that this has been yet another successful audit for Bradley Stoke Town Council.
2010/11 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Audit notice (electors rights) 2010.11 (Word)
- Summary of electors rights 2010.11 (PDF)
- Internal Audit 2010.11 (Word)
- Annual Return 2010.11 (PDF)
- Financial Statement 2010.11 (PDF)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2010.11 (PDF)
- Bank Reconciliation 2010.11 (PDF)
- Variances 2010.11 (PDF)
- Audit sign off and auditors comments 2010.11 (PDF)
- Audit sign off public notice 2010.11 (Word)
Council's Response to the 2010/11 Audit
Council is pleased to announce receipt of the formal sign off of the 2010/11 audit by Mazars, the appointed external auditors, who did not identify any problems with the accounts and procedures for the 2nd year running. The only comment made, for consideration, related to the amount of documentation which was sent with the audit papers although Rachel Pullen (RFO) took the position that all audit items should be substantiated by documentation to avoid the need to lodge later paperwork which could invoke additional audit charges. As this was the only comment made by Mazars, it is clear that this has been yet another successful audit for Bradley Stoke Town Council.
2009/10 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Public Notice of Conclusion of 2009.10 Audit (Word)
- Annual Return 2009.10 (Audit Completed) (PDF)
- Internal Audit 2009.10 (Word)
- Audit notice 2009.10 (electors rights) (Word)
- Audit Notice summary of electors rights (PDF)
- Annual Return 2009.10 (PDF)
- Bank Reconciliation 2009.10 (Excel)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2009.10 (Excel)
- Draft Council Minutes Approving Audit (Word)
- Financial Statement 2009.10 (PDF)
- Variances 2009.10 (Excel)
Council's Response to the 2009/10 Audit
Council is pleased to announce the formal sign off of the 2009/10 audit by Mazars, the appointed external auditors, who did not identify any problems with the accounts and procedures and who also did not feel it necessary to highlight or comment on any other matters for further consideration.
2008/09 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
- Notice of Conclusion of 2008.9 Audit (Word)
- Annual Return 2008.9 (Audit Completed) (PDF)
- Internal Audit (PDF)
- Annual Internal Audit (PDF)
- Financial Statement 2008.9 (PDF)
- Bank Reconciliation 2008.9 (Excel)
- Box 7 & 8 Reconciliation 2008.9 (Excel)
- Variances 2008.9 (Excel)
- Draft Minutes Approving Audit (Word)
2007/08 Annual & Internal Audits - AUDITED
Rachel Pullen
Finance Manager