Bradley Stoke Town Council logo
Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold logo

Report It

If you have a concern or spot a problem, please tell us so we can look into it and take action.

Report Fly Tipping

'Keep Bradley Stoke Tidy' campaign poster

All fly tipping should be reported to South Gloucestershire Council so they can take action to remove it.

Please visit the Report it page and then select 'Fly tipping'.

Report Graffiti

Graffiti is not something the Town Council is willing to accept in our Town. BSTC is unfortunately not able to action removing graffiti from Street Furniture, Walls etc. that do not belong to the town council, however we will be responsible for reporting it to the correct agencies e.g. South Glos Council, Western Power, Royal Mail, BT. Once the graffiti is reported we will endeavour to follow up the reports until graffiti is removed.

Bradley Stoke Town Council offers a graffiti removal service, in conjunction with South Gloucestershire Council, to remove graffiti from private properties, subject to the property owner signing a Damage to Property Disclaimer form. There is no charge for this service. Please contact the Town Council office for more information.

Bradley Stoke Town Council

Responsible for some bus shelters & some litter bins.

Phone: 01454 205020
Email: Council Administration

South Gloucestershire Council

Phone Streetcare: 01454 868000

Western Power Distribution

Responsible for electricity sub stations and junction boxes, will remove graffiti on their equipment on request from members of the public.

Phone: 08456012989 weekdays 8am-6pm


Responsible for telephone boxes and green junction boxes, will remove graffiti on their equipment on request from members of the public

Telephone boxes (BT):
Phone: 0800 661610

Green cabinets (Openreach):
Phone: 0800 023 2023 Option 1: Damaged green cabinets and/or open doors on them

Royal Mail

Responsible for Post Boxes, will remove graffiti on their equipment on request from members of the public

Phone Customer service: 08457740740

Truespeed Street Cabinets

Responsible for roadside street cabinets, will remove graffiti on their equipment on request from members of the public

Truespeed Customer Service Team: 01225 300370


Virgin Media Street Cabinets

Responsible for roadside street cabinets, will remove graffiti on their equipment on request from members of the public

Virgin Media Graffiti Removal: 0330 333 0444


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Report Overgrown Footpaths and Walkways

Photo of a footpath in Bradley Stoke

Overgrown footpaths and walkways can be reported to South Gloucestershire Council so they can take remedial action.

Please visit the Report it page and then select 'Roads, Highways and Pavements' or 'High or Overgrown Hedge'.

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Report Weeds in Road Gutters in Bradley Stoke

If you notice any weeds in the road gutters of Bradley Stoke, please let the Town Council know and we will pass the location on to South Gloucestershire Council for them to deal with.

Please let us know by email or phone the main Town Council office on 01454205020.

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Report Hate Crime

What is a HATE CRIME?

When someone commits a hate crime, they are motivated by prejudice against their victim's:

  • Ethnicity or Race
  • Disability including Mental Health
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Gender Identity
  • Religion or Beliefs
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital or Pregnancy Status

HATE CRIME can be:

  • Graffiti
  • Threats
  • Physical assaults
  • Harassment
  • Arson or attempted arson
  • Name calling
  • Damage to property
  • Bullying
  • Malicious phone calls
  • Other

You can report what is happening to you to any or all of the below:

Reporting to the Police:

Reporting to SARI (Stand Against Racism & Inequality) Who will:

  • Listen to you and find out what happened.
  • Not do anything unless you want to.
  • Keep your information private
  • Offer practical advice to help you feel safe in your home
  • Take actions that you agree with
  • Ring free 24hr advice line 0800 171 2272
  • Or email

Reporting to South Glos Council Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Report to your Housing Association/Society if you currently live in one

Support Agencies

Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH)

Offer support & advice to people who have experienced homophobic hate crime/incidents.

Muslim Youth Helpline

Provides faith & culturally sensitive services to Muslim youth in the UK.


Advice & support for anyone with mental health problems.

The Gender Trust

Support for those affected by gender identity issues.

The Lesbian and Gay Foundation

Offers advice, support & information


The voice of learning disability

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI)

Offers support services for victims of all hate crimes and hate incidents

Victim Support

Provides free practical and listening support to victims of crime.

Produced by Patchway, Filton & the Stokes Communities Against Hate Crime. Please contact Vicky Davies for leaflets or changes. Last updated January 2018.

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Report an Environmental Incident

Please visit GOV.UK for information about how to report an environmental incident.

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Give Feedback on the Energy from Grass Cuttings Scheme operating in South Gloucestershire

Photo of tractor collecting grass cuttings

South Gloucestershire Council are trialling a new way to use grass cuttings to generate energy and reduce the council's carbon footprint.

The trial is part of a £4 million project which is funded by the Department of Transport.

The project duration is 3 years followed by a further 5 years of monitoring the environmental benefits, impact, and costs.

This information as well as feedback from the community will be used to decide whether we adopt the approach permanently. No date has been set for this decision.

If you would like further information or to share your feedback on the trial, email or call 01454 868000.

Energy from grass cuttings | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council (

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