Bradley Stoke Town Council

Bradley Stoke Town Council is the parish authority for Bradley Stoke. It is the second tier of local government after the South Gloucestershire Council*. Its legal powers are granted to it and regulated by various government acts. The town population is of approximately 20,000. The Town Council supplements the provision of local government services in Bradley Stoke, and provides a range of social and recreational facilities, while promoting and representing the town with other national and statutory bodies. For example the Town Council acts as a consultee and lobbying force with both the Unitary Authority and both regional and national government, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community.
Bradley Stoke Town Council - Mission Statement
“Bradley Stoke Town Council will work to promote and develop the interests and diversity of this vibrant community.”
View a list of Bradley Stoke Town Council's achievements/major works here:
Record of Achievements/Major Works (Word)
South Gloucestershire Council
*South Gloucestershire was created in 1996 as part of the government's plan for local government reorganisation. It was formed from the previous districts of Kingswood and Northavon, and part of the former County of Avon. South Gloucestershire is a unitary authority - that is, it provides all the services that in other places are operated by separate district and county councils.
South Gloucestershire Council (whose main responsibilities include planning, development control, education, libraries, social services, major recreational facilities, environmental health, refuse and recycling collection, economic development, highways and strategic planning), consult with the Town Council on planning and development control within Bradley Stoke, and other subjects such as the Landscape Character Assessment, the Core Strategy and the Policy, Sites & Places Plan