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Salvation Army - Employment Plus

Poster advertising the Salvation Army's Employment Plus service (all text content displayed on page)

Salvation Army - 10th July 2024

Our focus for the next year (2024 – 2025) is to support those who are furthest away from the job market but want to return to work, even if part time at some point in the future.

We are primarily looking for referrals from Inactive participants, those who are in UC groups No Work Related, Work Focused and Work Prep. Our service has not changed and as before, will be supporting with everything from CV writing to sourcing voluntary roles, training & preparing for returning to work. We also have a range of sessions to help prepare participants and an online learning platform where participants can gain skills and qualifications such as Food Safety certificate for free.

To give a brief outline we offer a free and voluntary service to anyone over 16yrs of age to help them better their lives. This can include but is not exhaustive to:

  • Employment support (CV, job searching, hidden jobs market, interview prep, modules and teaching in employability, work experience, voluntary placements etc)/li>
  • Training (we can offer Salvation army courses that can be completed online – I have attached a copy for you) also can help them to gain training courses /li>
  • Wellbeing and meaningful use of time/li>
  • Benefits support (Once already working with a participant with an employability focus) - I can give advice with Home Choice, better off calculations to show how much better off they will be once working e.g. single parents /li>
  • In-work support once in work I can continue to support them and make sure everything is ok

Ours is a free voluntary service so we can work entirely at the participants own pace, and they can work with us for as long as they need to.

Do you need Free and Confidential Help with. . .


  • Motivation & confidence
  • CV/Interviews
  • Help finding a job
  • Work experience


  • IT Skills
  • Training
  • Qualifications

In Work Support

  • Confidence building
  • Help keeping a job
  • Performance at work
  • Finding a better job

Wellbeing and Lifeskills

  • UC/benefits help
  • Relationships
  • Money management
  • Housing advice

Please contact us for information and a chat with one of our expert advisors.

Freephone: 0800 652 4276



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