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Community Litter Picking Event

When: Sunday 18th August 2024 - 11am – 12pm

Where: Meet at Bailey’s Court Activity Centre

Do you fancy an hour of exercise and some feel good factor? Come our join us on a monthly litter pick. Community Litter Picks are run each month by volunteers. The group can provide litter pickers, hoops and bags if you don’t have equipment.

Clip-art image of people litter picking

Full details can be found on our Community Litter Pick Bradley Stoke facebook page and we would encourage you to check there to ensure the event is definitely going ahead each month. Sometime we have to cancel due to poor weather conditions.

You can let us know on our facebook page if you would like to attend, send us a message or just turn up on the day. Everyone is welcome. There is no lower or upper age limit. You just need to be able to spot litter, pick it up and bag it with a litter picker. That’s as complicated as it gets.

Everyone is responsible for their own health and safety at all times.

Find us on Facebook - Community Litter Pick Bradley Stoke Group | Facebook

EVERYONE is Welcome – Especially those new to the area.

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